Chaz turned the big 2-5 at the beginning of November and to celebrate we held a photo scavenger hunt around downtown Okayama. It was a blast. We had 4 teams of 2, 1 team of 4 (we ran into some semi-lost looking gaijin while walking to the meeting place for the scavenger hunt and guessed that they were the new AEON trainees, so we invited them along to was very strange meeting Chaz's replacement on the street like that, but that's a whole 'nother story), and our team (Chaz and I with one of his students) all competing for prizes (except our team...since we made up the list we weren't officially in the competition, but we took some pictures anyway). The teams got points for the following photos:
- a manekineko (the cat that waves in good all know what I'm talking about)
- a tanuki (the insanely fertile--judging by the size of its testicles, anyway--raccoon-type thingy that I'm posing with in one of the pictures from Inbe that I've posted below)
- a birthday present for Chaz
- something ugly
- your favourite food
- something mini
- something huge
- something that costs 330 yen (about $3.30 US)
- you playing pachinko (pachinko is essentially gambling, but since gambling is illegal in Japan they have found a way to convince themselves that pachinko isn't gambling. I don't know how you can call playing a slot machine for either prizes or money anything other than gambling, but, really, what do I know?)
- you using hashi (chopsticks)
- a kimono
- you and an anime character
- an AEON poster (AEON is the company Chaz works for)
- high school uniforms (they got points for each different uniform they could get a picture of)
- some funny English
- something that says Canada
- an election truck (they have these terrible, terrible vans here that are equipped with speakers and sound systems and people drive around the streets and share their messages with THE WORLD (or it seems loud enough for them to reach everyone in the world, anyway). I hate them so much because they are so loud you can't even carry on a conversation with another person on the street or hear your cranked up MP3 player when they drive by. They are extra annoying when they wake you up in the morning despite the fact that all of the windows closed and they are driving down a street that's a couple blocks away. I sure won't miss those vans!)
- a baked potato (in Japan they sell baked potatos in vans that play this funny's totally like an ice cream truck full of baked potatos)
- you in a taxi (I still can't get over how many taxis there are in Okayama)
- you in the driver's seat of a taxi
- you getting tissues (people hand out tissues with advertisements on them here)
- crazy Japanese fashion
- funniest picture (Chaz and I judged the funniest picture. T-dot and R-ko won by switching outfits...I still can't believe T-dot fit into R-ko's clothes...she's so tiny...and it's not that T-dot is huge or anything, but, R-ko is just so tiny!)
Below are some of my favourite pictures that my team took...