
did the earth just move or was that just me?

Breaking news: I just experienced my first ever EARTHQUAKE! Here's a transcript of the experience (please note this is not verbatim, but it's pretty darn close).

I am sitting at my computer blogging.

Chaz is sitting on the toilet.

The apartment starts to shake.

Me: What's up with the shaking?

Chaz: That's a tremor!

Me: So this is an earthquake?

Chaz: Yeah.

Me: That was cool!

Chaz: We're still shaking.

Me: What?

Chaz: We're still shaking!

[At this point I started to get excited about being in an earthquake, since I've always wanted to experience a mild earthquake]

Me: Yay! This is so exciting!! I need to blog about this!

...and scene!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


that sounds exciting! I'm suspicious as to whether or not you handled it as calmly as you're letting on in the blog though...hmmmmm ;-)

11/21/2005 5:17 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. I know we at least somewhat related because I've always wanted to be in a mild earthquake, and I'd probably be excited as well.

11/21/2005 5:29 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

oh, i'll be the first to admit i was "slightly concerned" when the apartment started shaking. i mean, HELLO, the apartment was shaking for no apparent reason! it's really not supposed to do that!!

11/21/2005 8:15 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

mmm pizza, i'm so jealous. unless of course your pizza has corn and mayo on it, because if does you can keep it!

i can't wait for some good old North Amercian-style pizza!

and nibs are good too.

11/25/2005 12:59 a.m.  

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