ugly postcards
For those of you who don’t know, I have an ugly/entertaining postcard collection and I love it dearly. I’m not sure how it started, but I’m pretty sure that the idea was that it’s much more fun to go on a quest to find ugly/entertaining postcards than to just pick out any random “nice” card and send it. And so the tradition began. I’ve got a pretty decent collection going…my quick count revealed over 80, and I’m sure I have some others hidden away somewhere. As much as I enjoy the postcards, I’ve always been sort of at a loss over what to do with them. When I lived with my parents, I had them up on my bedroom wall (and even then I had so many that I was running out of empty wall space), but since I moved to the K-dub they’ve just been sitting in a box (tragic, I know). I take them out every once in a while to bask in their glory, but I’ve always wanted to share their fabulousness with others, because, well I do have some gems in my collection. Luckily blogs are good for this kind of thing, so I’ve decided to post my collection for the world to enjoy. Of course it’s going to take me a while, but I hope to post each and every one, so stay tuned to see the ones you’ve sent me. Want to get in on the action? Send an ugly postcard my way…you know you want to!
So without further ado, let the ugly begin!