Well, it's been an exciting week and a bit since I last updated this badboy, so here are some ramblings to bring you up-to-date...
- Last week I had the worst job interview ever. I won't get into the details here--although I really want to--but it was "bad news brown", as The Shoop would say. I WILL say that the whole shebang started by me not being able to open the door to the office of the agency I was interviewing with and then when the secretary told me the door gives a lot of people trouble, my brilliant reply was: "It's ok, I often have trouble with doors." (The sad thing is that I was totally telling the truth--just ask Chaz--but, really, did I need to tell her that?) Sadly, I should have quit while I was ahead...that was probably one of the more intelligent things I said during the interview... *sigh* Needless to say I left the interview laughing and shaking my head about how awful it was. Yay job-hunting! I was pretty sure I'd never hear from them again, but, because the world is a crazy, crazy place, I somehow managed to get the job. Sadly, the whole ordeal was such a gong show that I turned down the position (I'm crazy to turn away a paycheque when neither Chaz nor I have any sort of steady money coming in, I know, but it had to be done, trust me!).
- I've been submitting more resumes and I have a job interview next week that I'm pretty excited about. I'm also really nervous...this is going to be my first "real" interview (that is, my first interview for an actual career-type job where I need to know things and have experience...ahh!!).
- I feel kind of like I'm back in school again. Not only have I been meeting with my MA advisor to work on publishing my thesis (I'm STILL not ready to be working on it again, but what can you do?), I've also picked up some part-time work doing telephone interviews for him. Oh me, always going back for more...
- I'm still waiting to start work with my (very) part-time job working with people with disabilities. I have a few matches, but have yet to meet with any families...I can't wait to start...I sure do hate waiting...I have so much love to give, people!! This organization offers a lot of great training opportunities, so I'm trying to keep busy doing those. Last weekend I took a First Aid/CPR course, and next week I'm taking a Lifts and Transfers course (not that I think I'll ever need to lift or transfer anyone, but I like free learning, so I'm all over it. After Feb. 1, please see me for all of your lifting and transferring needs...I love to apply what I've learned!).
- I'm still trying to create a job for myself and things are coming along, but the process is SO SLOW, which is hard on someone like me who just hates waiting!
- Chaz and I are trying to makes efforts to support community events, so last night we went to a presentation at the library about eating local foods as a strategy for reducing greenhouse gases. It was super interesting...I'd never actually thought about how silly it is that we bring in foods from other countries when that same food is being grown locally. Seriously, people, what are we doing? Are we TRYING to destroy the planet as quickly as possible?? All signs point to yes.
- Last week I learned about freezing rain. It was insanity. I've never nearly fallen so many times in my life as when I was walking to my meeting last Tuesday afternoon (but I'm very proud of myself for not actually falling, although I need to admit that I let out far too many scared yelps as I was slipping and sliding around. I'm also proud of my knees for hanging in there, even though I could tell they really wanted to slip out. Let's hear it for my knees!!!). My most terrifying moment was when I was sliding down a driveway into oncoming traffic on Weber St. (a decently busy street here in the K-dub). Luckily I was somehow magically able to stop right before I ended up on the road, but it was pretty scary to just be sliding into the path of a car with no real way of stopping myself from being hit.
- I ADORE our new apartment. The nieghbours are SO GREAT...I feel such a sense of community already! The 82-year-old woman upstairs is so sweet I almost can't handle it. She calls Chaz my husband (which is really weird and always catches me off guard, but I don't have the heart to correct her), keeps offering to drive us around if we need anything, and loves to chat so much that she told Chaz that we were welcome to drop by for a visit anytime. Say it with me now, people, AWWWWW! The folks on the main floor are also very fabulous...Bambi, the dog who used to growl like mad at us, is now our best bud... Oh, and I finally met Benji's Owner, and she's super nice...she gave us "Welcome to the Neighbourhood Jelly" yesterday. Life is good!
Hmm...well I should probably stop now... I realize these update posts probably aren't very entertaining, but it's all I've got in me right now, I'm afraid. I'll try to work on some more stories from Japan when I have some time (but I have a busy few days coming up, so I'm guessing that won't happen until next week at the earliest).
Posse out...