
ragged edge...

So, in cramming for my interview tomorrow, I came across this online magazine that really blew my mind and challenged me in ways I haven't been challenged in a long time. As much as I hate it because it makes me feel terrible, deep down inside I truly appreciate those moments when I realize that I'm still part of the problem, no matter how hard I try not to be.

Here's a bit from an article called "A Survivor's Manual" by S.L. Rosen that really hit me hard:

Society is my real handicap. as it is for all us survivors. I'm still waiting for the rehab therapists to tell us how to overcome an unjust society.

The phrase is never seen for what it really is. "Overcoming a handicap" serves, simply, to place the burden of coping with out-and-out discrimination on the shoulders of the oppressed group--us survivors. It's as simple as that. It's a neat trick, if you think about it; it gets society off the hook quite nicely, and puts all the responsibility for society's poor behavior on the very people society is behaving poorly toward. In other minority movements, it's been called "blaming the victim." It will work as long as we survivors allow it to.

Anyway, if you have some time to kill and you want to read some really thought-provoking articles, you might want to check out Ragged Edge Online (www.ragged-edge-mag.com).

That is all.


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