
I couldn't get over how many wax museums there were in Niagara Falls. And they all looked really awful. I don't get what the appeal is, but to each their own, I guess.

We couldn't help but take more pictures with the dinos.

Just like a bad amusement park, Niagara Falls has it all.

This made me a little disgusted to be part of the human race. You pay $2 and you get to pretend to fry someone in an electric chair. The crowd that gathered around this was alarming and the whole thing made me feel a little sick to my stomach. What I also found to be not-so-cool was the wax museum dedicated to criminals. Why we want to celebrate sexual predators and murders like that is beyond me...


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, I don't remember the Shake and Bake bit, but I can say that my urge to return to Niagara (which was already in the 'stay away' range) just went down a notch.

Shake and Bake?? SO wrong! Can you imagine that providing your family with money and having to explain to people that this is how you buy your kids' shoes? "Yeah I have a coin operated electrical chair machine. You pay $2 to simulate electrocuting someone to dea<---' *POW* Right in the kisser.

9/12/2008 12:16 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Yeah, pretty terrible stuff... The worst part is that people were actually doing it...

9/12/2008 3:54 p.m.  

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