
I am hours away from having a shower in comfort of my own apartment...

...and I know that doesn't seem like breaking news, but it really is! The last time I had a shower in my apartment was on November 5 and, even then, I shouldn't have been using the shower. But I'm defiant like that. Allow me to explain...

You see, back when my parents were visiting for Thanksgiving* I started to notice a strange smell every time I stepped in and out of the shower. I didn't think too much of it at first, but it kept getting worse and worse, so I finally decided to take two seconds to actually assess the situation. I noticed that the paint on the wall was bubbling and that the shower liner was actually detaching itself from the wall. Not good. I also noticed my neck was starting to get rashy again, and my neck is my mould detector, so I knew something big was going down. Extra not good.

Needless to say we had a serious mould problem in one of our bathroom walls (due to crappy pipes that misted the wall every time we showered) that needed serious work. People were finally able to come in on Nov. 2 to knock down the wall. We were assured that the levels of mould weren't dangerous** but, I'm not going to lie, I found it a little annoying that they tore down the wall a full 4 days before anyone else could come do anything to the bathroom. This is where my defiance reared its ugly head and we put up some plastic over what was left of the wall so we could shower anyway. If they are going to be dumb, so am I. Take that, wall people.

My neck exploded with rash.

They put a stop to my showering when they came in on the Tuesday and did this:

We had this dehumidifier and an air purifier (which you can't see) running 24/7 for 4 days. They were loud. So loud that you could hear them outside the apartment. They also created insane amounts of heat. This was nice for midnight bathroom trips, but otherwise it was like being in a sauna.

The next two weeks were a blur of people coming in and out of the house making a big mess pretty much everywhere...it was awesome coming home to a new mess almost every single day, let me tell you! At first I tried to stay on top of the cleaning, but after a week it broke my spirits and I gave up.

Now, in case you're wondering how I managed to not offend people by being stinky, you should know that I mostly showered at the gym (me and the gym showers got to know each other pretty well, actually), which was an entertaining experience as it gave me insight into the showering habits of other women. I can't believe how many people shower in their underwear. Seriously! I mean, I'm not one to run around naked all over the place, but it would never occur to me to shower in my underwear so that no one would be able to see me naked at the gym. Wowza! We were also able to use the landlords' shower and, when necessary, I resorted to washing my hair in the kitchen sink (our landlords don't really get up before 8:30 or 9 in the morning, so it was a little hard to shower at their place before work).

Anyway, I'm happy to report that I have to wash my hair in the sink NO MORE! Oh man, I can't wait to have a shower...I'm going to be in there FOREVER (I'm like Cramer in that, if I could figure out a way to live in the shower, I totally would) and it's going to be SO GOOD!

*Check out the meal I made for my family!*** Yummy!

**To be fair my landlords offered to put us up in a hotel, so don't hate on them please. They are good peeps.

***And by made for my family I really mean that my mom helped me make.****

****And by that my mom helped me make I really mean that my mom made for us. Thanks mom!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Uhm... how obvious is it that my mould problems have overwhelmed so much that I haven't been here for this long? How embarrassing!

I like that you managed to get sympathy mould Marlito. None of my other friends bothered to do that. Of course none of my other friends go to such lengths as you...

12/17/2007 2:14 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

You should be embarrassed, KM! For shame!

The fact that I got sympathy mould should tell you who your friends are. Think about it. And then move to the K-dub.

12/19/2007 4:09 p.m.  

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