
locked in?

Let it be known that I tried to go to the gym this morning. I really, honestly did. My bag was packed, my jacket and shoes were on--I even had my iPod going (James Morrison, how did I ever live without you?). I was SO READY.

The problem? I couldn't get past the front door. Yes, that's right, I have no idea how to unlock the front door right now--the deadbolt is stuck in the "lock" position. And don't think I didn't try to fix it. I did everything I could. Not only did I try turning the knobby-thing back and forth about a million times, but I also tried to pry the bolt part with a butter knife. A butter knife, people! That's serious stuff!

Really, I blame Chaz for this. I mean, he was able to make it to work somehow. Does that seem a little suspicious to you? Yeah, me too.

The good news is that, since I don't have to be into work until 11, I took this as my apartment's way of saying that I should blog again. So here I am. Thanks deadbolt!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with your house yesterday, complaining about the lack of blogging on the part of you and Chaz. I guess your place decided to take some action. So glad to have you back. Yay, updates!

11/08/2007 5:29 a.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Yay! Someone still reads my blog!

Also, thanks for speaking with my house...next time it would be great if you could do it when no one else was home so I could work from home...that would be awesome.

11/09/2007 8:08 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like that bodychecking is everyone's option. Forget that the deadbolt is stuck, a good solid shoulder check will fix things.
(And more than one person reads your blog.)

11/15/2007 2:39 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Yay! Two people still read my blog! It's all worth it!

11/16/2007 4:58 p.m.  

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