
too cute...

A while ago we went to The Landlords (not our landlords, but Mr. C and Other Me's ex-landlords) for a random BBQ. It was ever-so-fun! I was very impressed at their ability to just pull off a BBQ of such massive proportions with zero notice or thought. Thanks The Landlords! There was even a great game of BANG that broke out. And anyone who saw me in Saskatoon over the X-mas holidays knows how addicted to BANG I am.

Despite all that goodness, I would have to say playing dress up was the best part. It was good for a variety of reasons, including that I had nothing to do with helping the kids dress up, and yet still got to enjoy all of their cuteness. And there was a lot of cuteness going on, some of which was captured in picture form. I dare you not to explode with happy when you look at these.


Blogger Shauna said...

SO JEALOUS! And I LOVE those kids! M&C hangin' out with M&C (or is it K... anyways, not the point).
And the insta-barbeque was something they were much better at when we were around, thank-you-very-much!

5/29/2007 11:47 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is the little boy dressed as a jolly jumper with a belt? If so, I say good on ya mate! Never a more creative costume!

6/03/2007 11:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ryan said...

I'm exploding with happy! Actually, like Shauna, I'm exploding with hrmmph. I hereby add Brent, Laura, Mattie and Cade to the "Move to PEI, NOW!" list. Oh, spontaneous barbecues. Alas.

6/04/2007 3:26 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

It's not so much a jolly jumper as it is a "play" mat for babies. I agree that it's pretty darn creative. I think I might have to wear that for Halloween next year.

Hey Ryan and Shauna, how about you just move back to Kitchener? That seems a little easier than moving all of us out to PEI, don't you think? ;)

6/12/2007 9:02 p.m.  

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