
because I think they are so darn fun...

I was fortunate enough to get to hang out with X-tina in Toronto a couple weeks ago. Good times were had by all, except maybe X-tina, as she was coming down with a cold. I had fun though, and, really, isn't that what it's all about?

I'm very pleased with how well this one turned out...nice work with the photo-taking, X-tina!

X-tina wanted to go to the top of the CN Tower because, well, she's touristy like that. Here we are on our way to the TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!!

Sadly, going to the TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!! is pretty darn expensive, so we opted out of the madness.

Could I look more ridiculous? I promise that I don't think I'm actually hot enough to pose like that! I must have been playing things up for the random stranger who was taking our picture...yeah, that's what I was doing.

I enjoy that X-tina made the random stranger take TWO pictures of us in front of Lake Ontario. Silly girl!


Blogger Unknown said...

Can your sexy pose become your new trademark please?

11/15/2007 2:43 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Maybe. I've been thinking I need to sex things up a bit...

11/16/2007 4:55 p.m.  

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