
actually pretty happy...

And our Internet is hooked up again. Yay! How I've missed being online! And how I feel bad for leaving you all hanging after such a negative post.

Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words over the past week! Chaz and I have been in The Madison (our loft has a name, didn't you know?) for a week now, and, now that we've moved in, I think we're both feeling a lot better. There's much more space than we thought--this girl is all potential! So yay to that!

Below are some pictures of Maddy all empty to tide you over until we can actually get the furniture we need to set her up the way we want to.

Big thanks to The Landlords (as in Other Me and Mr. C's ex landlords) and 70s Snowsuit and Gids for being available all day to help us with the move. I don't know what we would have done without you--you are all true friends! Also thanks to our ex landlords for being so amazing. They made us sandwiches for lunch, brought us pop to get us through the wall cleaning, and gave us a lovely parting gift. I've said it before and I'll say it again: How lucky are we?! We find amazing and supportive people where ever we go, and for that I am truly grateful.

Ok, time to do some more unpacking (it feels like we haven't made progress on the unpacking, but I suppose that's what happens when you move during your busy time at work. As an aside, I don't recommend working 7 days straight right after you move. Especially if your co-worker is on holidays at that time as well. Is anyone surprised that I'm now sick? I know I'm not!). Anyhoodle, enjoy les photos and bask in the glory that is The Madison!

The view from the living room into the bedroom. How fun is it that we have a floor to ceiling window in our bedroom?! I love it! The light is AMAZING!

Our kitchen. The space is bigger than we are used to, but definitely less storage space than our last place. Oh well, we didn't need all the stuff we had anyway!

Some (but not all) of our living room windows! No more SAD for us!

Our bathroom. I LOVE the bathroom (minus the tiles that should be gorgeous gray--I'm sure I'll forget about that someday), it's big and fabulous!

Our bedroom.

Our glorious walk-in closet! Oh how I've been waiting to have more space. It scares me that we've already pretty much filled it. However did we make do in our last apartment?

The pillar in our closet. It takes up precious space, but I don't mind because I actually think it's pretty fun. And, really, there are worse places for a pillar.

Our laundry closet. It's so fun to not have to leave the apartment to do laundry!

Of course it had to snow on the day we moved. Thursday: gorgeous. Friday (move-in day): snow. Saturday: gorgeous. Sunday: gorgeous. Etc. It pretty much fits with everything else that happened around this whole process though, so it wasn't really surprising.

The King of Ping takes one for the team. Thank you!

The rest of the moving team! Have I said thank you enough yet? I should probably say it one more time: Thank you!

Chaz and I saying goodbye to Brunswick. We'll miss you!


Blogger Rach said...

I can't wait to see it...this summer...I am inviting myself for a weekend!

4/12/2008 10:08 a.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Nice! You know you're always welcome!!

4/12/2008 10:13 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you!!!
YAY you're finally in!!!

4/12/2008 9:42 p.m.  
Blogger chelle said...

it's just as gorgeous as i thought it would be! happy getting organized, i know how fun that is... :)

4/13/2008 4:18 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...


I was just thinking to myself, "self, why have you not seen Marlito and Chaz's new place yet." I then bought some soy milk and came over to my computer where... ta-da! PICTURES!

The lesson here is that soy milk solves all problems!

Also, how amazing are those photos!? I especially like the kitchen, but then I also like the view from the bedroom too. It should make for some great goddess beams.

Speaking of which, I happen to like the light too. The light looks like glory captured in a 24/7 display, all in your apartment! I wish I had captured glory...

One more thing: Hi Team! Thanks for taking care of my peeps when I'm far away.

So happy for you!!!

4/13/2008 6:08 p.m.  
Blogger Shauna said...

Oh, I am so happy! For a billion-ga-gillion different reasons, but primarily they all add up to the reasons why you're happy, so I'll just say, I share in your happiness. Yay, Other-Me, YAY!

4/14/2008 7:44 a.m.  
Blogger Ryan said...

You know why you find amazing and supportive people wherever you go? Because you're amazing and supportive yourselves! Yay positive energy!

Dudes, your loft looks awesome. I'm so happy that you guys are finally moved in and are, after all, happy with the place. That view from the living room looks like something out of a movie...especially since you can see The End of the Roll! No seriously, I love how much light you get. No more dark basement! On a down note, I suppose the attainment of the loft dream diminishes the minuscule chance of you moving to PEI...but I'll never give up hope...

Oh, I can't wait for June to get here.

4/16/2008 11:06 a.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

Oh stop, Ryan, you're making me blush!

Yeah, it's pretty fun staring at End of the Roll all day. It is everyone's favourite carpet and vinyl clearance centre, after all.

No worries, we're still totally planning to move to PEI, just like before...wait...hmmm....

4/18/2008 7:56 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK time for an update, we need to see what Madison looks like with your stuff in it. And where will the FIVE of us sleep when we come for a visit. I think M and N will be very happy in the big closet! Or maybe we will send the boys to visit auntie and uncle, and Al and I will stay home.
Hope you are settling in alright...

4/22/2008 11:32 a.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

It makes me laugh that you think our stuff is set up in any kind of organized fashion at this point. Many things are still in boxes, and empty boxes occupy most of the living room. I promise to post pictures as soon as we have something interesting to show. The bathroom should be set up by the end of this weekend, so I'm pretty excited about that.

And, yeah, M & N will either have to sleep in the closet or in the kitchen...their call, really. Oh my gosh, the thought of having 5 people stay here freaks me out a bit, I have to say... But, hey, why the hell not?!

4/23/2008 8:39 a.m.  

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