
I work with the most entertaining youth ever...

If it weren't for the youth I work with, the workload and the hours (during peek times) might have killed me by now. But the youth keep things exciting and, to be honest, I miss them when I don't see them on a regular basis. They always remind me that fun comes first--which can be easy to forget when you get caught up in the crazy adult world--and for that I am so grateful. Case in point, check out the e-mail that my youth council members got a city councilor to send to the mayor this week:

[Mr. Mayor],

Here's a message from [Youth Council]:

"We think you are sick and off the chain"

From: [Youth Council]


[Kickass Councilor]

How great is that?! I tell you, if you want to make your life better, volunteer to work with some youth in your community...it will make your life better, for reals!


Blogger Shauna said...

I am so grateful for urbandictionary.com - for reals!
Because of that website I was able to discover that 'off the chain' is a very good thing. Hope the mayor knows :)

And you are so right. I've been trying to volunteer with youth in our community since getting here. Unfortunately, this community is kinda gentrified against outsiders (aka, me). But I'll keep trying, knowing that gems like that await.

2/18/2008 7:47 a.m.  
Blogger Ryan said...

Yeah, I am definitely not 'youth' anymore because I didn't know if 'sick and off the chain' was an insult or a compliment. Well, I did know that 'sick' can, somewhat paradoxically and roughly, mean 'incredible.' Kids these days.

2/22/2008 11:00 a.m.  

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