
there really aren’t many people you can just go take zombie pictures with…

On Sunday we went for Chaz’s birthday all-you-can-eat sushi brunch and it was all kinds of delicious. We were very happy that Other Me and Mr. C joined us for the sushi madness (not only did we enjoy their company, but the more people you go with, the more things you can try!).

As we were leaving the restaurant we somehow started talking about zombies and how Other Me and Mr. C were planning on doing a photo journal of all the places in the K-dub where zombies might live. It could have been the sushi high talking, but we all decided that this was something that needed to be done sooner rather than later, so off we went to take zombie pictures. What I learned/observed:

1) If you want a good laugh, go run around being a zombie in public. Your belly will thank you for it!

2) I have a lot of work to do on my zombie face.

3) km has a mean zombie face.

4) I have a hard time acting like a zombie unless I am making zombie noises. Sadly, zombie noises make me choke. There was a lot of choking going on.

5) There are a lot of places that zombies might live in the K-dub. I really hope there isn’t a zombie outbreak around here or we’ll all be in a lot of trouble.

6) I’m really happy that I have the kind of carefree life that allows me to spend a weekend dressed up like a barbarian and acting like a zombie. I lead a good life.

7) Other Me and Mr. C really are good people. I was thinking about it last night, and it’s really hard to find people who are up for pretty much anything anytime like they are, and I’m ever so thankful to have them here in the K-dub. Thank you so much for making our lives so much more entertaining. I truly do think you guys are the greatest and I’m not sure what I did without you!!

Not content just to take pictures of zombies, we also got a little more mileage out of the barbarian swords by having a sword fight in the park. Chaz and km were so exciting that even an old man in the park couldn’t help but get caught up in the battle.

After that it was back to Other Me and Mr. C’s for hot chocolate, Bru dog tricks, and a movie about space zombies (kind of). The perfect end to a perfect weekend.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you marlito. I worked hard on my zombie face (I may have practiced it at home before). I have to say that I noticed your zombie noises, and found them to be helpful in staying in character. For all of our sakes, thank you for choking one for the team.

11/16/2006 12:30 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

And hello! Space zombies and an axe wielding super ninja assassin chick. What more can you ask for? (the answer is not good dialogue I can say that much... but for me that was part of the movie's charm).

I concur with the accolades heaped upon Other Me and Mr. C. Way to rule people!

11/16/2006 12:31 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

I'm very glad you found my zombie noises helpful...I am quite inspirational.

11/16/2006 4:51 p.m.  
Blogger bag marla said...

I think I missed the axe wielding super ninja assassin chick part...I tried to fight the sleep, but the sleep always wins.

11/16/2006 4:52 p.m.  

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