

I felt a little bad about the half-assed “birthday cake” I “made” Chaz for his birthday, so I felt like I needed to make it up to him with MORE POCKY! But not just any Pocky. No, Pocky DECORER (it’s French, don’tcha know!). Why Pocky DECORER, you ask? Well, because, according to the package, Pocky DECORER is "like a decoration cake on a stick." That’s pretty appropriate for a birthday, don’t you think? Well I thought so too.

The thing with Pocky DECORER is that it has the best TV commercials ever (and anyone who talked to me while I was in Japan knows that I spent entirely way too much time watching TV, and I adored every single second of it). In the commercials, two gaijin, a man and a woman, have a sword fight with the Pocky in a field. Wackiness, of course, ensues. My favourite part of the commercial is the ending: one stabs the other in the nose with the Pocky and then they both have a good laugh. It was so much cheese that I just could not get enough. Oh the things they make people do in order to move products/entertain in Japan. Hats off to you, my friends, hats off to you! Anyway, as you can imagine, we simply couldn’t eat this Pocky without first re-enacting the commercial. And, of course, to be as outrageous as possible we did it on the street not too far from the store where we bought the Pocky. Us? Make a scene and draw attention to ourselves? Never!


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